One step at a time
If you’re anything like me, you want everything now. Sometimes I struggle to wait for things and it can be a real problem. For example, when I want a new hairstyle I want it immediately and that can be a challenge, especially when your hair is as short as mine. Most things in life just simply take time and they really can’t be rushed. The same can be said for life in relation to the things we desire.
Over the weekend I met up with some friends I have not seen in around 6 months. Before we met I thought to myself, ‘they are going to ask for an update of what I have been dong recently, and there is not much to share’. Just as predicted, it was time for me to say what’s new in my life. As I begun to share what’s been happening, I suddenly realised just how much I had achieved since out last conversation, and the list seemed endless. Sometimes we measure our success in days and weeks which is one of the worst things you could do. As I was sharing my achievements over the past 6 months, I was reminded of the fact that we need to take things one step at a time. This week, reflect on where you were a year ago compared to now, whether that be in relation to your character, growth at work or your own personal goals.
Give yourself a chance to grow, and learn to take things one step at a time. Good things will happen but it will take time.
Big Love
Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.