I absolutely love water and when I feel overwhelmed by life, I like to be around it. It’s a good idea for us to take time to be still and rest, this is extremely important for me because of my travel schedule. When I get busy with work, auditions, travel and rehearsals, it’s very easy for me to get stressed and it’s something I have to take control of. When I start to feel overwhelmed I make sure prayer is my main priority. I get every worry and doubt out of my head and out there in the open. But I also take the time to listen to what I feel God is saying, because he is always speaking…..!
When people ask me how i’m doing, these days I try not to give the cliché answer, ‘Im great, but I’m so busy’. Sometimes we are busy, but busy doing what? It’s important that we create space in our life’s to work, rest & play. Too much or too little of one of those creates an unbalanced life. Life is to be enjoyed and not just lived, are you enjoying it?
On another note, these stunning chokers are from a fabulous brand called Runaway88! They are very affordable at less than £10 each. I wanted to keep this look very simple so I wore a simple vest and ripped jeans. I absolutely love them!
Big Love
Photography – Relm Photography
Jeans and sandals – Primark
Vest and bag- H&M