My Favourites!
Happy Friday everyone!
I thought it would be good to have a look at some of my favourite looks and photos this week. When I take my fashion photos I always do them all in one day. My fabulous photographer (who also happens to be my sister in law) Relm Photography and I, spend around 3 hours going back and forth to locations to try to get the perfect look. The three photos above are some of my faourites and when I put this collage together I was reminded of the fact that when I started taking fashion photos, I didn’t know what I was doing. My husband and sister would encourage me to study the poses of other fashion bloggers and I did. I’m not saying that all my photos are perfect, but I can see a massive improvement and it feels good. I love the saying by Action Jackson, ‘You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great’. I’ll be talking more about that in Monday’s thought for the week but I think it’s such a powerful and true statement. Let me know which photos are your favourite.
Bg Love
Photpgraphy – Relm Photography