Happy Monday Everyone!
If you follow me on social media you’ll know I recently went to Barbados. It was a fabulous holiday full of great food, fun and rest. This photo is from my first day there at around 17:30 when the sun sets. I was feeling peaceful, happy and I was asking God how I could experience this when I go home. He clearly said to me that I could have this peace if I would learn to be ‘Still’. It was so clear and uncomplicated but very often something I struggle to do it. In my pursuit to live the life of my dreams I find myself doing a lot and thus struggling to rest and thats not ok because life must be balanced.
As i’m about to enter 2017 it’s something I have decided I am determined to do and I want to start now. Let’s turn off the music, tv and most importantly social media and rest not only out bodies but our minds.
‘A deep silence and calm’
Big Love