My Loreal Moment


Happy Christmas Everyone!

I hope you’re all having a fabulous day with family and friends.  If you’re not, I want to encourage you with the word ‘Hope’  which is ‘The joyful expectation of good’.  This christmas might not be good for many different reasons but a brighter day is coming.  Things will always get better and, I truly believe that.

This is the last dress from the stunning Emile Vidal Carr collection that I am modelling today.   I have felt beautiful in all three of the dresses.  If you missed the last two Fashion Friday posts they can be viewed here:

Dear Husband

I am….

I chose this blog title because Loreal’s slogan is ‘Because You’re Worth It’  and my photo above, looks very similar to the one from their collection which was a complete accident!  I always find that Christmas is a time of reflection because it’s so close to the New Year.  I wonder if you know that you’re worth it! What does that even mean? I suppose it means something different for all of us.   For me it means many things, for example the fact that I am worthy of love, the job I so desire to attain, etc.  Whatever your ‘thing’ is I need you to know that you are worth it.  You have value, and a great purpose for living.  When you look in the mirror what do you see? I guarantee that what you see when you look at yourself will determine how you navigate your life.

Sweet one, just in case you didn’t know

‘You’re Worth It’


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Creative Director – Natz Divine Touch from MO ISO

Makeup – Natz Divine Touch from MO ISO

Stylist – Natz Divine Touch from MO ISO

Photography –

Dress – Emile Vidal Carr: Enid Dress

Bracelet – Buckley London

Shoes – Office



  1. Rona

    December 25, 2015 at 3:02 pm Reply

    Great read thank you for this I believe I am worth it.

  2. Serena M

    January 2, 2016 at 9:45 pm Reply

    This is great Sharlene. I’ve enjoyed reading your interviews/posts. Also the dresses that you are wearing are gorgeous (Emile is very talented). Keep this going xxx

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